2 Chronicles 12:1 – The Superman Complex
When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the LORD, and all Israel with him. (2 Chronicles 12:1 ESV)
There are few things better than when your life comes together. Your relationships are good, your job is going well, you’re faithfully reading your Bible and the sin you’ve struggled with seems distant. There are seasons where our lives feel good, we are grounded in our faith and bumps in our “spiritual road” don’t bother us much. Eventually, however, we will find ourselves discouraged. This happens for many reasons and it’s often because we begin to pull away from God, believing that we need Him less. The small bumps in the road seem to suddenly turn into massive potholes.
Rehoboam is a perfect example of this. As God blessed him and the people of Israel, they became over-confident and arrogant as King Uzziah was (2 Chronicles 26:16). We, the Lord’s people, forget Him and His blessings, and start to rely on ourselves. We overestimate our own strength; acting as though we are our own Superman, and as though we can tackle anything alone. We essentially abandon God for what we think is the best for us. Apart from God, we falter.
However, this doesn’t have to happen! Creating consistency in our faith by intentionally remaining in fellowship with God and His people can steady us. As we hit our stride and things begin to click, remember to thank the One who has brought you to this place of consistency. If there is a steady stream of thanks and praise coming from our mouths and minds, we will seldom forget the One who is our Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:6). We will not again begin the errant Superman complex, but will remember that all good comes from Him, and not us.
Are you in a season of consistency and strength? Thank God for authoring it today and come alongside others to bolster them in the Lord
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