Be grateful you made it through last night! (Smile)
"Their largest cities will be like a deserted forest,
like the land the Hivites and Amorites abandoned
when the Israelites came here so long ago.
It will be utterly desolate.
Why? Because you have turned from the God who can save you.
You have forgotten the Rock who can hide you."
Isaiah 17:9–10b
God gives the reason for his judgment: They have turned from the God who can save them, the Rock who can hide them. When people turn away from God, they step out of his protection and into his judgment. This is the basis of "the fear of the LORD." Our choice is either wonderful protection and salvation, or terrible judgment. God allows us to decide freely, though it's clear he longs for our trust and devotion. Are you trusting the God who can save you, the Rock that can hide you?